Saturday, May 26, 2007

Oktoberfest here I come!!

I just got in from Washington DC and thought I would share the news: I am soon be leaving for Germany! I had my interview for the position in DC yesterday morning. It went extremely well and I was offered a job... I took it. Now All this left to do is to:

Graduate in August (easy)
Work relentlessly (easy)
Pay off almost everything I can (difficult)
Stash away about 1000 bucks for my first month in Germany (impossible?)

I hate money. I suppose most people who don't have money feel the same way. I really just hope that something as useless and petty as dollars and cents doesn't keep me from this.

It certainly feels very good to actually have a plan though. Ambiguity is hard to live with I have found. Now that I know that the door to Germany is sitting wide open, I only need to be careful not to kick it closed somehow.

Ok I need food.

1 comment:

MB said...

Hey - remember all those times you griped about having to work so hard for the money? And how you HATED waiting tables? Guess all those experiences are going to pay off now!!!!